Philosophy - Sciences - Geekery - Art - Life - Coaching - Fun < Simplify Everything
Amar RPG
Amar - experimenting with new combat and magic systems (August 20, 2019)
To the Castle (music) (March 10, 2019)
Podcast 18 - The value of improvisation in Role-Playing Games (January 03, 2019)
Podcast 8 - Launching a really simple Role-Playing Game (October 09, 2018)
Podcast 2 - What are Role-Playing Games? (September 08, 2018)
Podcast 1 - Introduction (September 07, 2018)
Amar - Gods, GM screen, Campaign tracker (September 04, 2018)
Tinkering (August 18, 2018)
Amar Tools reaches v1.0 (August 08, 2018)
Amazing person
Podcast interview - Hennings Verden (July 27, 2020)
Free resources. But why? (June 28, 2020)
Motivational workshop (video) (April 07, 2020)
Realise impressive goals (March 13, 2020)
The shipping industry - status and future (December 12, 2019)
Podcast 15 - Learn better public speaking, even without slides (November 18, 2018)
Podcast 14 - Impress with the Arrow->Box->Arrow method (November 07, 2018)
Podcast 13 - Can collaboration be good business? Shipping, ant hills and the crazy fashion industry (November 03, 2018)
Podcast 12 - Women will be last to be replaced by robots and AI (October 26, 2018)
Mental training and Rocket League (w/GreyBeard) (December 05, 2021)
Improvements - focus on the positive (a OnePageBook) (October 05, 2021)
Motivation - a silly short how-to (September 16, 2021)
Follow the action (May 16, 2021)
The key principle - simplicity (May 13, 2021)
Podcast 25 - Getting in The Zone - creating thoughts and feelings (May 10, 2021)
Basic principles in life (tiny videos) (March 23, 2021)
Podcast 24 - Why mental clarity and presence give top performance (February 21, 2021)
Podcast 23 - The Scale of Giving (February 20, 2021)
Podcast 22 - Evaluating people; Givers & Takers (January 17, 2021)
More webinars - emotions and extreme living (January 16, 2021)
Motivation webinar (January 08, 2021)
Handling addictions (December 22, 2020)
Living slowly (December 18, 2020)
House of Math, Vibeke and lots of food for thought (December 05, 2020)
Podcast 21 - How to handle stress (November 29, 2020)
Henning talks about his podcasting with amazing people (November 19, 2020)
Helping without thought of reward in Tanzania (November 02, 2020)
Tackling tough youth (November 01, 2020)
The amazing Simon says... (October 24, 2020)
Chris Cook shares stories and insights (October 10, 2020)
Men and loneliness (October 02, 2020)
In persuit of happiness (podcast; Hennings Verden) (September 26, 2020)
Push or Support? (September 24, 2020)
Speak before you think (September 17, 2020)
On Learning (September 11, 2020)
Random advice (September 06, 2020)
On parenting (September 03, 2020)
On setting goals (August 28, 2020)
Procrastination (August 21, 2020)
How to divorce... with minimum fuckups (a OnePageBook) (June 25, 2020)
Effective Teaching (a OnePageBook) (June 22, 2020)
Interview by Perez - "ditch sales and management" (video) (June 13, 2020)
Simple principles (June 08, 2020)
Chris Cook and mental training (video) (May 04, 2020)
Mental training in eSports (video) (April 30, 2020)
How to handle stress and trouble (video) (April 14, 2020)
How to be kick-ass on stage (April 13, 2020)
Corona and Marcus (April 11, 2020)
Book a free 30 minute meeting (April 11, 2020)
Motivational workshop (video) (April 07, 2020)
The RALE scale (March 28, 2020)
Fear (March 26, 2020)
Realise impressive goals (March 13, 2020)
On simplicity (February 05, 2020)
You're gonna die (a OnePageBook) (July 14, 2019)
Game review; LIFE (a OnePageBook) (April 27, 2019)
Podcast 17 - Meaning of Life (December 07, 2018)
Podcast 16 - Mental Training (November 21, 2018)
Podcast 15 - Learn better public speaking, even without slides (November 18, 2018)
Podcast 14 - Impress with the Arrow->Box->Arrow method (November 07, 2018)
Podcast 10 - How to effectively help another (October 11, 2018)
Podcast 9 - Do you actually need your goals and ambitions? (October 10, 2018)
Podcast 5 - If you are easily hurt, your world is too small (September 27, 2018)
You should be able to do this (September 26, 2018)
Make it Simple (a OnePageBook) (August 16, 2018)
Entrepreneurs (August 11, 2018)
XRPN - the clean and extensible programming language (April 01, 2022)
Programming - what I've been up to lately (November 16, 2021)
My gopherhole (April 15, 2021)
T-REX - an RPN calculator for the terminal (February 10, 2021)
Astropanel - Astronomy program for the terminal (December 16, 2020)
RTFM - Screencast (Ruby Terminal File Manager) (November 04, 2020)
Linux Porn (October 01, 2020)
Speak to your PC via your phone (September 16, 2020)
The ultimate calculator sees an upgrade with the DM41X (March 25, 2020)
HyperList newsflash! (October 06, 2019)
A visualization of the development of (August 05, 2019)
Screencast - The HyperList VIM plugin (August 04, 2019)
Podcast 6 - Revenge of the calculator geek (September 27, 2018)
Tinkering (August 18, 2018)
A discussion with Claude on Free Will (December 19, 2024)
The empty set (September 03, 2024)
Improvements - focus on the positive (a OnePageBook) (October 05, 2021)
(In)finite (September 25, 2021)
Basic principles in life (tiny videos) (March 23, 2021)
Reality (March 02, 2021)
In persuit of happiness (podcast; Hennings Verden) (September 26, 2020)
Podcast interview - Hennings Verden (July 27, 2020)
Free resources. But why? (June 28, 2020)
The good in people (June 27, 2020)
How to divorce... with minimum fuckups (a OnePageBook) (June 25, 2020)
Effective Teaching (a OnePageBook) (June 22, 2020)
Interview by Perez - "ditch sales and management" (video) (June 13, 2020)
Simple principles (June 08, 2020)
What does it take to keep a conspiracy secret? (May 10, 2020)
Chris Cook and mental training (video) (May 04, 2020)
Mental training in eSports (video) (April 30, 2020)
How to handle stress and trouble (video) (April 14, 2020)
How to be kick-ass on stage (April 13, 2020)
Corona and Marcus (April 11, 2020)
Unreal - a short story to answer a paradox (April 10, 2020)
Motivational workshop (video) (April 07, 2020)
The RALE scale (March 28, 2020)
Fear (March 26, 2020)
Would it help? (March 09, 2020)
On simplicity (February 05, 2020)
Parents; Embrace your kid's gaming (November 19, 2019)
How to improve your life (November 18, 2019)
Religion and belief (November 17, 2019)
You're gonna die (a OnePageBook) (July 14, 2019)
Free will should remain free - structures should be structured (July 11, 2019)
Accept - Like - Enjoy (July 11, 2019)
The fate of mankind... is it exciting? (February 20, 2019)
Podcast 9 - Do you actually need your goals and ambitions? (October 10, 2018)
Podcast 7 - Being an extrovert or introvert and being in the zone (September 30, 2018)
Podcast 5 - If you are easily hurt, your world is too small (September 27, 2018)
Podcast 4 - Free Will (September 26, 2018)
The danger of unbalance (September 22, 2018)
Podcast 1 - Introduction (September 07, 2018)
Podcast 25 - Getting in The Zone - creating thoughts and feelings (May 10, 2021)
Podcast 24 - Why mental clarity and presence give top performance (February 21, 2021)
Podcast 23 - The Scale of Giving (February 20, 2021)
Podcast 22 - Evaluating people; Givers & Takers (January 17, 2021)
Podcast 21 - How to handle stress (November 29, 2020)
Podcast (Utbryterne) - Scientologi - del 2 (October 22, 2020)
Podcast (Utbryterne) - Scientologi (October 09, 2020)
Podcast 19 - On global warming (February 18, 2019)
How Men Will Stay Significant... (February 14, 2019)
Podcast 18 - The value of improvisation in Role-Playing Games (January 03, 2019)
Podcast 17 - Meaning of Life (December 07, 2018)
Podcast 16 - Mental Training (November 21, 2018)
Podcast 15 - Learn better public speaking, even without slides (November 18, 2018)
Podcast 14 - Impress with the Arrow->Box->Arrow method (November 07, 2018)
Podcast 13 - Can collaboration be good business? Shipping, ant hills and the crazy fashion industry (November 03, 2018)
Podcast 12 - Women will be last to be replaced by robots and AI (October 26, 2018)
Podcast 11 - Chemical Geir blowing himself up (October 12, 2018)
Podcast 10 - How to effectively help another (October 11, 2018)
Podcast 9 - Do you actually need your goals and ambitions? (October 10, 2018)
Podcast 8 - Launching a really simple Role-Playing Game (October 09, 2018)
Podcast 7 - Being an extrovert or introvert and being in the zone (September 30, 2018)
Podcast 6 - Revenge of the calculator geek (September 27, 2018)
Podcast 5 - If you are easily hurt, your world is too small (September 27, 2018)
Podcast 4 - Free Will (September 26, 2018)
Podcast 3 - What is Scientology? (September 23, 2018)
Podcast 2 - What are Role-Playing Games? (September 08, 2018)
Podcast 1 - Introduction (September 07, 2018)
XRPN - the clean and extensible programming language (April 01, 2022)
T-REX - an RPN calculator for the terminal (February 10, 2021)
Astropanel - Astronomy program for the terminal (December 16, 2020)
RTFM - Screencast (Ruby Terminal File Manager) (November 04, 2020)
Linux Porn (October 01, 2020)
Speak to your PC via your phone (September 16, 2020)
In search of the perfect pocket device (August 13, 2020)
I love Julia (April 12, 2020)
Unreal - a short story to answer a paradox (April 10, 2020)
HyperList newsflash! (October 06, 2019)
A visualization of the development of (August 05, 2019)
Screencast - The HyperList VIM plugin (August 04, 2019)
The fate of mankind... is it exciting? (February 20, 2019)
How Men Will Stay Significant... (February 14, 2019)
Mental training and Rocket League (w/GreyBeard) (December 05, 2021)
Basic principles in life (tiny videos) (March 23, 2021)
T-REX - an RPN calculator for the terminal (February 10, 2021)
More webinars - emotions and extreme living (January 16, 2021)
Motivation webinar (January 08, 2021)
Handling addictions (December 22, 2020)
Living slowly (December 18, 2020)
Astropanel - Astronomy program for the terminal (December 16, 2020)
House of Math, Vibeke and lots of food for thought (December 05, 2020)
Henning talks about his podcasting with amazing people (November 19, 2020)
RTFM - Screencast (Ruby Terminal File Manager) (November 04, 2020)
Helping without thought of reward in Tanzania (November 02, 2020)
Tackling tough youth (November 01, 2020)
The amazing Simon says... (October 24, 2020)
Chris Cook shares stories and insights (October 10, 2020)
Men and loneliness (October 02, 2020)
How big is our Sun? (September 26, 2020)
Push or Support? (September 24, 2020)
Speak before you think (September 17, 2020)
Speak to your PC via your phone (September 16, 2020)
On Learning (September 11, 2020)
On parenting (September 03, 2020)
On setting goals (August 28, 2020)
Procrastination (August 21, 2020)
Interview by Perez - "ditch sales and management" (video) (June 13, 2020)
Motivational workshop (video) (April 07, 2020)
On simplicity (February 05, 2020)
The shipping industry - status and future (December 12, 2019)
Screencast - The HyperList VIM plugin (August 04, 2019)
Update on the Somaliland Project (and meeting in Oslo June 14th) (June 05, 2019)
Do you believe in reality? (music and artwork) (May 12, 2019)
The Somaliland Adventure (April 15, 2019)
The Eagle Has Landed (music) (April 03, 2019)
To the Castle (music) (March 10, 2019)