@: g@isene.com | Résumé/CV | |
#: +47 4550 2470 | Wikipedia page |
I write – fact, fiction and poetry; I philosophize, build companies, speak to small and large groups on most any topic, make artwork, music and games, program computers and old calculators, do crazy stuff.
I am a nerd. I love mathematics, astronomy and astrophysics, particle physics, chemistry, hardware and software and stuff that amazes me.
I help people – coach, mentor and inspire others to reach their goals and potentials.
On the professional side: I work together with Brendan Martin in a company called Å (see a-circle.no) since 2012. We are having great fun with great customers and fun people.
Back in 2000, after 10 years as the CEO of the recruitment company U-MAN Norge, I moved on and started a consulting company together with my wife; Creo Pario AS I then started working for the leading Norwegian Linux company Linpro AS. From March 2003 till March 2004 I was the CEO. In the summer of 2004 me and my wife started FreeCode – a company fully dedicated to free software. We expanded to 20 people in Norway, more than 50 internationally (in 7 countries). In early 2012, we sold the company to the wrong people who ran it into the ground.
I was born in Oslo, Norway in 1966.
I have four kids. We love kidding around, building Lego and do other fun stuff, like role-playing games.
If you came directly to this “about”-page looking for information on me leaving the Church of Scientology, then you will find this information on a separate page.
I started my blogging on Scientology a week after I left the church (2009-08-07) and decided a year later to let that blog my old IT blog fade and move all my blogging to my Wordpress site. After having exhausted all my various viewpoints on Scientology, I have resumed my basic, nerdy self - but still very much on a spiritual path in life. Contact me if you wonder what that is all about.
My basic principles in life
Captured in a series of very short videos:
Coaching and public speaking
You can book me for seminars and talks on a wide range of topics, personal and business coaching and business consulting.
I can give talks about anything – from motivation, organizational and personal efficiency, how to give talks and effectively coach people to subjects such as astrophysics, free will, raising of children, recruitment and much more. I never hold the exact same talk, seminar, workshop or training session twice. It is always tailored to the audience, always different and never dull. Fiery, often crazy, sometimes outrageous but always aimed at creating real value for the participants. I have held hundreds of very successful talks with rave reviews. You can have a pile of references from people who have been blown away from attending one of my seminars, talks or workshops.
My tools (the geek stuff)
I use Linux (Ubuntu GNU/Linux) on my laptop with i3 as the window manager and conky as the systems monitor/information presenter. I write almost everything in VIM with LaTeX for markup, and I use Mutt as mail client and weechat as the chat client (over ssh to one of my virtual servers over at DigitalOcean). Qutebrowser is my favorite browser. My programming languages of choice are Ruby and Raven (except programming the HP-41 in FOCAL/Synthetics/MCODE or whin programming VIM with VIMscript). And as requested by Nils, here’s the LaTeX files for my CV.
Here is a sitemap for isene.org.