After 15 years in the making, finally Amar Tools is ‘feature complete’ and deserving the 1.0 release mark (and just recently jumped to v1.1).

The swiss army knife tool set for the Amar Role-Playing game is freely available on Github. Although created for the Amar RPG, these tools are useful for any fantasy RPG.
The online version is available here:
A shortened version of the feature list:
- Generate random encounters in various terrains (day or night): The encounters are of various races, complete with random names, sex, stats and attitude towards the player characters. You can download the generated encounters as a text file.
- Generate random human NPCs. All attributes, skills, weapons, armour, magic, etc. is detailed according to the Amar RPG rules. You can bookmark the URL for each NPC (for future references) and download a text file of the NPC.
- Generate random settlements complete with inhabitants - castles, villages, towns or cities:
- A realistic set of house types are generated and each house populated with residents. Each inhabitant are generated with name according to its race, sex, personality and general skill level in their trade. You can bookmark the URL for the generated settlement for later reference and download a text file as well.
- A graphical map of relations between the inhabitants is generated along with a text file representing the same. You can bookmark and download both.
- Generate graphical and textual relationship maps for inhabitants of settlements you upload.
- Generate a month of random weather. Choose any of the Amar months and detailed weather is created for that specific month - with special religious days and moon phases. If you are a Game Master of any other RPG, choose “Unspecified” as the month and 28 days of weather is created. You can download the weather as a nice PDF.
- Generate random names for a whole range of races.

- Make “open ended dice rolls” (used extensively throughout the Amar RPG).
Check out the online version to see all the other features.

Thanks to all contributors - players, game masters and others that have helped push the Amar Tools with more than 30K lines of code over this milstone mark.