Astropanel - Astronomy program for the terminal

I am proud to present my latest project - the Astropanel.

This program will help you decide when you should bring out your telescope.

Feature list:

  • Weather forecast for the next 9 days with coloring (red/yellow/green) based on your limits for cloud cover, humidity, temperature and wind
  • Easy graphic representation of when the Sun, Moon and planets are visible with the Moon’s phase showing in how light the representing bar is
  • Extra information for each day: Fog, wind gust speed, dew point temperature, air pressure, UV Index, Sun and Moon precise rise and set and Moon phase. The Moon phase is expressed as a number between 0 and 100 where 50 is the full moon.
  • Astronomical events for each of the 9 days, with option to list them in one view
  • Starchart showing in the terminal for the selected day and time of day
  • A table showing RA, Dec, distance, rise, set and transit for the planets
  • Show today’s Astronomy Picture Of the Day

Check out the screencast to see the program in use:

Github repository:

Link to this post: