This is the post that I put out on our Facebook group “Help without thought of reward”:
Lots of random advice was offered. Here’s a collection of the coolest :)
- Be happy for no reason. (Christie)
- Be the moment. (Mark)
- Nobody cares about your embarrassment. Whatever it is, forget it. (Roland)
- Don’t live in resentment and regret… And forgive yourself. We all make mistakes… (Donna)
- Respect yourself and set your standards:) (Konrad)
- Have positive expectations, no matter what. Be open to surprises. (Flemming)
- Take a different route home from work than you did to work. Change both the next day… also change mode of transportation frequently, even if it is just changing shoes. (Thomas)
- Be like a dog: live in the moment and always assume the sale! (Mary)
- Do what the little kid inside you loves. Dance with someone in a public place outside. Go to a art gallery you’ve never been to before. (Cynthia)
- No matter what, stay curious and stay playful. (Bruno)
- Sing frecuently. (Susana)
- Assign abstract ideas a probability rather than “I believe” or “I don’t believe”. This side-steps our hardwired subconcious screening mechanisms that were designed to prevent overload from sensory stimuli, but that cause confirmation bias when applied to ideas. (Doug)
- Learn to sharpen knives properly and to repair things. Not to save money or the environment, though that’s a good reason too, but to realize that knowledge is there for the taking. (Bjørn)
- It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. (Lynne)
- Life is uncertain; eat dessert first! (Nancy)
- Give a SMILEand a HI to a stranger each day. (Cathrine)
- Wasted time is worse than wasting money, basically invest your time wisely. (Mona)
- Try your best not to hold on to grudges. It’s like letting people live in your mind - without paying rent. (Pierce)
- Stop looking for advice. (Ángel)
- Don’t listen to advice from others. Nobody knows what they’re talking about. (Pierce)
- Take your own advice. (Simon)
- If you want agreement - go find someone who agrees with you. (Lyn)
- Here a Moroccan famous proverb: If your friend is honey, don’t lick him. (Youness)
- Don’t fry bacon in the nude. (Rune)
- Don’t microwave mayonnaise. (Charles)
- When in doubt, do what I would do. (Dexter)
Link to this post: